Sometimes I feel like I am twice my age. When I start to talk about the areas I grew up in, not lived in but frequented, alot of the younger generations say "What?" Yeah...like places we used to go to in Footscray, Yarraville, Newport, Williamstown...things my brother and I used to do like go shooting (you wold not see that these days), I'd horse ride and play spotlight tiggy for many hours on a Summer's night...not caring about snakes and spiders and stuff... with the 20 or so other kids that lived on our expansive estate.
(Mabel and I out on the estate)
Speaking of that estate, it upsets me to know it will all be gone, that a freeway will replace where my child hood memories lie. That I won't be able to take my kids out there and show them how un touched the place is out there...because there will be a station and a freeway and no more farms. Nothing us little people can do about it, right?
I look forward to my birthday, not for myself at all, but because I get to spend it with my hubby and my kids...and the things they make me are worth more than any diamond ring or ruby charm..but I won't say no to them, haha!
I am happy that I became a nurse, I am happy that I have a great husband and gorgeous "normal" kids.. I am ecstatic that I have great health, after a long battle with a dastardly infection. That is all I want, great health and happy family. Now, of course, a winning Tatts ticket would be wonderful too. If I win, I will pay out all of your houses and car loans.. after I pay my own and get me a huge boat to go fishing of course :)
Used to LOVE spotlight tiggy!
Happy birthday Cazzie :)
I hope you have a wonderful joyful birthday. And you are NEVER going to be as old as me! LOL! Live young, play young and think young! You are gorgeous! And I bow down to anyone who can master a horse!!!! Me and horses always come to a head! Seriously, they have no respect for me!
Jayne, thanks heaps for the wishes..and yeah, spotlight tiggy was ACE! And even Gas! Haha.
Karisma, aww, you are so lovely. Also, my Mum was the same, hre and horses never mixed :(
Happy happy birthday!!!
The things we used to do as kids, hey? i don't know how we got away with a lot of it... but i guess it was a totally different time.
Happy birthday Cazz. You were blonde when you were young.
Mal, you can say that again mate..it sure was a different time, very surreal aint it?
Andrew, I sure was a blonde, and my siblings were too... yeppers... getting the old greys in spots now :( Haha
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