It rained fair bit and it was welcome..a nice relief from the hot weather we have had. Some toddlers were spotted jumping in puddles and one bent down repeatedly to try and sip some of the water from the puddle he was standing in. It was funny to see the horrified face of his posh-ish Mum..haha. Thing is, these kids have not seen a good rain, or maybe not even seen a shower in their life time!

We drove for a while after Science works. We went down Williamstown Rd, there was a massive flooded area and we had fun making a shower over our vehicle going through that.."Do that again mum!"
I took a picture of Cherry Lake in Altona..that was flooded out to the car park..more showers f water from puddles over the car :)
It was a nice day and I don't want it to be Monday tomorrow :(
I spied some great old buildings on the way home, ones that have a bit of history not just in the sense they are old buildings, but that I used to go to them as a kid with my grandparents... the light was dimming so I will return to take pics and blog about them this week :)
What a fun day out you all had! :)
"Rain"...?!? Noooo, I'm afraid I'm not at all familiar with that concept of which you speak? hahahahahaaaa.
Sounds like a good memory-making time for you all as a family. good on you.
Rain puddles make a wonderful playground
Sounds like a lovely day! Now, what does Et mean young lady? LOL! Here I was, correcting my daughter for dropping her h's this morning! She insists that as aussies we have our own lingo and pronunciation.
Apparently we are supposed to merge our words or shorten them eg. Lets go...lssgo! She said to me "say wadder really fast" Water! No mum your not saying it right! (???)
Meanwhile I was reading your post and laughed at ET, she rested her case! Thanx Caz!
Beautiful. I love ScienceWorks. There are so many fun sciency things for kids and bigger kids to play with. I want to go again...
I used to love excursions like that. I still go to the Powerhouse museum when there are special events on.
More interesting stuff...and how is rain made???
It always amazees me when I think that you are on the other side of the globe from where I live. We are just starting our Winter !!
Sure was Jayne.
Mal, haha, I know, it is amazing we have the rain here still@
Mom, they sure do.
Karisma, you made me laugh :)
I often even get told I sound like Kasey Chambers when I speak..she is a true Aussie with her accent..now only if I could sing like her!
Andrew, you are right, I go ther efor myself, because I sure am a big kid :)
Steph, cool, I love that museum too.
Therese, well, Angels cry :)
Ginnie, it blows my mind too!
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