Today is Nicholas' 9th Birthday. He was born at 6:23 am on the 12th May 1999. His birth was much faster than his older brother's. Tomas' was a 32 hour birth..ohh yeahh, what a marathon that was! Nicholas' was about a 6 hour work out...so it was much better. Except that when he was born he was not breathing. So here I am laying there looking around me thinking.."where is my baby?" Then I verbalised such...and the nurse, who was my friend, was calling my Doctor in from outside the room. They worked on his little body and got him to breath. For the next day I hugged him tight to bring his body temperature up..and well, we bonded. It is a connection I cannot describe, it is awesome.
He breast fed straight away which was suburb. However, he was a rotten sleeperfor so damned long! The first time he slept through for one whole night he was 4 years old! Nowadays, I have to wake him up to go to school, he sleeps so wonderful!
To my baby boy Nicky nu-nu..Happy 9th Birthday...I love you with all my heart!
I never appreciated young children, like babies, until my sister had one. So so precious.
Happy Birthday Nocholas!
Happy Birthday, Nicholas!
It sounds like he had an awesome birthday... what a fantastic mum to let him have his mates over for a sleep...
Not enough scotch in Tassie to make me let my son do that!! hahaha
My 11 yr old has truck loads of bionicles also....
Thanks for dropping by my blog.. always nice to see a new face!
Happy Birthday! Yay and wOOt!!!
Happy Birthday, Nicholas!!!!
Sweet baby!
I bet he cringes when you call him baby.....but he always will be...I know.
Happy Birthday to Nicholas. Our oldest son was not much of a sleeper. However, he did sleep through the night way before age four.
Happy Birthday!!!!
Happy 9th beautiful kiddo!
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