"We wonder what a child will become tomorrow...but we forget that they hold their own magic TODAY!!"
The past few weeks have shown me that my kids are each growing up so fast. Not just in size but in maturity also. Growth, developmental growth. Sounds like an English essay? Yes, in year nine at high school that is what my 10,000 word essay was about, growth. Now I understand fully what it was I wrote about.
For me, I reflect on the things I have learnt along the way in life. From very early in life I knew I wanted to be a nurse. Working in the industry from age 16 has not clouded my enthusiasm for my work. I love it.
The day I loose the love for it I would stop doing it. Even if I won the lottery I would not give my job away, I know it for sure.
I hope my children find what it is they want to do in life and grab it and run with it. I hope they are as happy as I am with their achievements as I am. I will not try to live through my kids, but I will always encourage them to do what makes them happy. I hope it is enough.
This time of the year is exciting, and it is also draining physically....the new year brings relief, and hope, hope for a wonderful time ahead.
Cazzie this is beautiful. Very few people figure out how to work at what they love to do in life. It seems that even fewer encourage their kids to find their *own* joy in life. Good on ya!
Susan at A Slice of Life
You sound like a wonderful mom. a happy person is the best kind of mother.
It is not an experience I have ever had, but doing a job that you love must be a wonderful thing.
Thank you for your words, Cazzie!!! You may be certain that I have expressed my words to her, in her active life, and at her bedside during many of the last days.
Thank you so much.
I can't wait to have kids... I hope mine are like yours!
Very profound thoughts Cazzie...You are a wonderful Mom!!
Happy belated Birthday sweetie...Mine was the 10th..hahahahaha...
You are the best sort of Mum, you let your kids decide what THEY love and run with it. I see too many making their kids run with what they want or missed out on.
You are a true gem and I will meet you one day, you can count on that.
It really is scary just how fast kids grow up, especially between say 5 and 10 years. I've seen how much stuff you do with your kids Cazzie, and in years to come it'll mean so much to them when they look back on those years. :)
Another thing I like is the time you take to reflect on important things...
So true Cazzie. Its great you still love your job, here in the Uk there are so many nurse's leaving because of pay issues and conditions.
I really like your attitude Cazzie. My eldest sister began high school teaching (history and English)in 1971....hated it and retrained as a nurse...still there now at 57...been in renal Dialysis since 1984... its her calling...and she is a good nurse just as you are because you like it. My aunt who is now 92 was a nurse all her life, then deputy matron then matron...she loved it and no doubt helped countless people. Its people like you who still give me heart to continue my fight for justice for Don because if the good nurses and good doctors can practice without being pulled down by the bastards who always seem to hold the day at least in public...then it will mean that sick people are being treated as they should with compassion and caring and that the status of healing will return to where it once stood. The pharmaceutical companies have a lot to answer for in the training and attitude of many traning doctors.
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