More news on birds here...not the girlie kind, I mean the feathered kind! We have invaders in our roof, they are shitty little starlings, and they made a home in our roof last year, which we evacuated. Turns out, they were just trying to get in (maybe they are men, HAHA!) but, they did not succeed. They do make such a noise though. We spoke about it Andrew and I and we came to the conclusion that we must invent a spray for birds, you know, if we can have fly spray, why not invent a bird spray...call it "Pissoff". LOL
Having said that, I hear a Magpie out there, I have some meat for him to eat so I better go feed him. Maybe I could pressure him into being my home security and scare off the Red Wattle's and the Starlings too.
Have you ever thought of getting one of those plastic owls that has a bobbing head? You put them on the roof of your house and they scare off other birds. I've been told they work pretty good. I guess owls are badasses.
Those Starlings can do a lot of damage. They got into the roof space of my house, and with all their shit and damage they do, I had to replace the wood work for the corner of the house. Not a happy time doing that job I can tell you.
Heya Jay, that sounds like a great idea, but m kids would probably want it to go in their rooms or something..Mia would probably put it in her bed!!!
Rebecca, yep, I agree, they are pesky little shits really, and they serve no good to anything!
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