Take a few weeks back for insatance, we hit over the 40 degree celcius mark. That was unseasonal for October for sure. Right now it is just 12.5 degrees celcius..Brrrr. Bring on the warm weather, but just don't turn up the heat too much I say. 25 degrees is perfect :)
Maybe my kids will get their wish for a white Christmas..what with decorations and fake Christmas Trees with white snow caps on them in shops and all. I have to keep reminding them, "It is mummy's birthday first BEFORE Christmas". So I hope they all make me some nice things for it. The home made gifts are my favourite. Although, I have run out of my favourite perfume "Fragile" now so I am hoping to get a nice scent.
Have a great weekend people.
We also have rather unseasonal weather here...even for Colorado!
We had a blizzard a few days ago...
and have soooooo much snow here now!
And today...it's a perfectly gorgeous sunny day...
Hope your kids get their wish...
for that white Christmas!
Happy weekend!
I could live with a green christmas if it meant having warm weather, lol. I love homemade gifts too. There is so much heart in them.
The fecking weather is doing my head in.
I put away my winter clothes. I drag them out again. I put them away. I get them out again. Repeat.
Grrrr! Pick a season and stick to it!
This time of year we have big changes in weather. It will be really cold and rainy and then suddenly sunny and warm enough to wear shorts. Then the next day back to cold and rainy. We will have something like 30 degree changes in weather over about a 12 hour period. Drives my allergies crazy too.
Ditto with the weather here but I don't mind the temperature changes as much as I do the overcast days. I can take the cold as long as there is some sunshine...need those rays!
Margie, sounds as though I may just loose my job as a weather reporter with stating untruths :) Looks like we aren't alone with them weather changes then..perhaps it always happens this time of the year but I only realise it now because I have, as Steph below you says, put away all the winter clothes and then brought them out again.
Cinderella, yep, homemade gifts are to die for :)
Steph, Ditto girl..I been doing it for four kids here too, so that's four times the clothes to put away then get out again , Grrr!
Jay, our allergies are all fugged up too with this weather mate.
Willi, gotta have them rays indeed!
Highest overnight low for the month in our area here Cazzie, 26.7C. Lowest -0.9C. Yeah, we like to keep things nice and average, NOT!
Thaaats Melbourne for you!
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