When I was in Sydney November last year, my friend's Stef and Chantelle took me to a cafe near St Vincent's Hopsital. They said it is THE BEST place for coffee, in Stef's words, "To die for". It was true! I had an affogato for the first time ever, in fact, we all did. They also had some lovely Biscotti aswell. I guess, it is part of what happens when you do go to Sydney, you become adventurous, it is so relaxing out in the cafe scene. Not to discount the many cafe's we have here in Melbourne, we have oh-so-many. I frequented many cafe's down Chapel Street when I was a graduate nurse. Cafe Sienna being my favourite haunt.
This weekend it will be our 11th wedding anniversary. Last year we went to Lygon Street and found a wonderful Italian Restaurant, "La Spaghetteria Ristorante"...ten points for guessing the interpretation of that into English...1000points for interpretation into Russian, LOL! We were walking along together and all the restaurants had their loudest, deepest voiced men out front coercing you to take a seat and try their cuisine. The gentleman out front of this restaurant was lovely. So we stayed on. We sat outside and experienced delights of their menu. This is a highly recommended place to dine.
By far, the place we love the bestest (my word, not in dictionary) is Pellegrini's. There, you see the man Sisto who is just part of the furniture there. He makes everyone who walks through the door feel like they are coming into his house and about to dine in his family kitchen. The ambiance is that good. The food is electrifying for the taste buds and the sounds of coffee machines and people talking excitedly sets the mood for a wonderful experience. If you are lucky enough you might get a seat in his kitchen area and get to watch the wonderful cooks creating their masterpieces.
We got engaged there and I had my hens night there. Then, each time I fell pregnant we went to share the great news with Sisto, he was so delighted. When friends visit we take them there too. Pity it is now just the Espresso bar, as until a few years ago there was the restaurant out back. Still, if you are ever coming to Melbourne, let me know, you will not be disappointed one bit.
"La Spaghetteria Ristorante", if that's the place I think it is, it's good.
Sounds wonderful - wish I were there.
The image looks really good.
Last year i was in australia, though i was on the western part of the country mostly, but really enjoyed my stay there for a good one month.
That is a cool looking cup of coffee. Sounds like a wonderful time.
Oh and The Spaghetti Restaurant and in Russian it is: Трактир Спагеттиа
Do I get to turn my points in for gifts?? LOL
Thank you Babel Fish for the Russian translation. LOL
Lantern, it is not disapointing, the whole experience was great.
Willi, welcome here any time.
Southpaw, were you in Perth? I love it there. Especialy up the coast at Kalbarri.
You may have a jar of Vegemite Jay man..LOL!!!
Great coffe art. The restaurant sounds wonderful.
Willi, check this out, it shows how to make it that way....
Dr Evil, I like it too :)
what a beautiful, rich and tasty coffee tale :)
I love my coffee too and I love the desings they put on it.
btw coffee isnt too bad for ya if u dun take sugar with it...get skinny ones na? :)
Keshi, you are right, I only have half a sugar. Haven't ever been a sweet tooth, am a savoury tooth, me love cheese and smallgoods and olives and fetta.
They oppose caffeine as it is a diuretic, that is all.
Chinese: 意粉餐馆
Dutch: Het Restaurant van de Spaghetti
French: Le Restaurant De Gaine
German: Die Isolationsschlauch-Gaststätte
Greek: Το εστιατόριο μακαρονιών
Japanese: スパゲッティレストラン
Korean: 스파게티 대중음식점
Portuguese: O Restaurante Do Espaguete
Russian: Трактир Спагеттиа
Spanish: El Restaurante Del Espagueti
Australian: Spagbol Joint
u driving dis old man crazzy
Love the coffee pic! Sounds heavenly. I love me some coffee!
I can't drink Coffee these days :( .
i had dinner at Donovan's and practically conquered Chapel St end to end for coffee, every day for 10 days.
hi hi.. it was quite fun.
pretty sure i'll be back there again soon, may be in warmer weather.
kazbar or something, on chapel street. i must've contributed significantly to their month revenue. nice place tho
Rebecca, grazie' signorina!
Jim, I can provide you with a padded room if you like!
TC, will email you my left over Moccona.
Huggies, well, we can drink some water together.
Ace, Donovan's is to die for! Chapel Street is definitely the place to be if you like chick kinda places. Lygon Street for Italian. Docklands for many different cuisines...list is endless in Melbourne.
half a sugar? awww...I take 2 :):)
Yes, stayed a few days in YMCA jewell house and then shifted to a holiday appt.
I have to admit, when I was just "visting" other blogs today, your avatar was the most interesting I saw.
I absolutely love Melbourne. My husband and I have visited there 3 times. Great city. Great people.
Three things in your profile that could have been in mine:
drinking coffee
Miss Congeniality
Honky Tonk Woman
I will be back tomorrow to read your post.
Keshi, what can I say, I am just sweet enough is all...LOL!
Southpaw, very nice. We stayed in a appartment in Como. Thing is, it was paid for by the company for a whole week, but we only stayed there 2 nights as we travelled up to Kalbarri the rest of the time.
Swampwitch, I know, it is why I chose the avatar, coz it is irrisistable, LOL! Am glad to meet your acquaintance, nice to see someone else has similar taste as I do. Miss Cingeniality was on TV 2 nights ago, and I watched it..again! Has to be the 100th time!!!
that u r! :):)
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