Here is a friend and I with the lovely George Clooney...just having a great time!! HA!! I wish, have a great weekend....I am working both mornings, of course it is lovely weather. Just wait til next week when I am not working, it will surely rain. We do need the rain, but I don't want it on my days off.
We had to hire a car for the weekend, because the Exa is in the workshop being repaired. Let's hope they finish it soon so we can get it back. Looks like we will sell it for a diesel car though. Just putting feelers out for a diesel vehicle.
Went for a drive in the hire car out to where me Mum lives, out in the stix there..not stix much anymore. Where there were cows there are now houses, man..I feel old!!! Took the kids through the three dips for a ride. It is a windy road that has these mean dips in it, it makes you feel like you are on a roller coaster ride, your guts ends up in your ears and all. Of course they wanted MORE MUM, HA!!
Just listening to Sugarbabes, "Push My Button"...so, fess up, what pushes your button? Do you one?
Driz-a-bone coats. I love the smell of them.
Hmmm, leather and saddle soap, Yumm
Nissan Exa's. I always wanted to own one of those, never did though :-(
Used to say the same about the 3rd Gen Pontiac Firebird Trans-Am, until I drove one.
The way Renée Zellweger looked in Bridget Jone's Diary...
brand new socks push my buttons.
Raindrops on Kittens,
And razors in mittens
Exploding packages,
tied up with string.
These are a few of my favourite things.
Children while drowning,
Burn ants 'til their browning.
Catching young sharks,
To remove their fins.
These are a few of my favourite things.
Your post made me remember that cool feeling in the pit of my stomach when I was a kid and my folks went up and down steep hills in the car. I had not thought about that in years. Thanks for that.
New music pushes my button.
George is lovely - did you see the pic of him at the conference about Darfur?
He is one of my favorite actors.
Jammie pants of course!!
Fingers push my buttons..
When I was in grade school I rode the bus that Mr. Nelson drove. We went over this one hump that made us feel like we were flying. So as we got near it everybody would scream "go fast Mr. Nelson" and we would hit the bump and all float off the seats. That was fun.
Being funny and silly pushes my buttons.
u like Georgie? I used to.
Oh dear you got one of those intrusive $900 computer generated bloody annoying ad scams.
Since I am married w 4 kids I am not allowed to tell you or anyone else, even keshi, what really pushes my button to the on position....
except of course my ravishing, patient, spirited, compassionate soulmate,
my goodladywife.
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