Here is a picture of the steam train going to Geelong about Midday today, young Tomas took the picture whilst travelling just over 100km per hour beside it in our carThe hutch made for Mia and Sarah's baby Guinea Pigs "Lani and Tung-Tung".
Googly eyes Mia, trying to impress her whole family over dinner last week.
I worked last night and got home around 10pm and got up again at 5:30am today to return to work. I went to the Vic Market to get some groceries and caught the stall holders just prior to closing time..phew!!! Andrew took the kids to Little River to run rampant on a farmlett and that's when they seen the steam train pictured, great pics don't you agree?
This week will be a busy one. Tomas goes on his first school camp to Phillip Island. Don't go saying to me that I will have a rest from at least one of the kids coz of this camp now...Nicholas goes in for dental surgery the very day Tom goes away :( So I will have a sick boy on my hands for a few days..until Tomas gets back from camp that is.
On the way home from work today I had some knobs following me in their 4wd's..I think they are a sausgae shot of the barbie or something..they have a 4wd..ok, that's fine..but do they have to have number plates with KILLER, MADDOG and HILUX on it? As if we are all dumb and cannot see what kind of vehicle they have!!! And guess what kind of car this guy has with the number plate MYWGN???? I may give away a prize for the right guesser!!!
So, tell me, what dumbass number plates have you seen around?
A R class steamer.
That's a great picture of the steam train.
My dental hygienist friend had plates that said IFLS4U, meaning "I floss for you." Everybody thought it was "I flush for you."
Hi Cazzie,
So if Tomas is away, that means there is a spare bed at your place. Great, I will be over soon.
As for number plates, I've seen:
And the silliest one of all, I mean who would ever want a number plate like this:
Rebecca (one too many letters for a numberplate)
Oh, I forgot to add.
Thanks very very much for the roast lamb. It had been a few years since I had sit down to a family roast, or any roast for that matter. I had a tear in my eye as I left. Thank you Cazzie.
Gr8 TY Mr HUggies.
Tis 4 sure Jay Man.
Rebecca, PMSL!!! Knew you would like that part of the blog.
Anytime we are a roastin' we shall call on u..dont' cry ok :)
Argh... I wish I could remeber the number plates I spotted last month, something like SEX24HR on a hot rod of a car!
G'day Cazzie! :)
lol nice one. I havent seen such wierd number plates yet but I have seen cute ones hehehe.
That's an ace one chickybabe :) I like it :)
Keshi, I am glad I made you laugh too :)
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