There is the blow up cactus I got from the Queen Victoria Market in Melbourne. It was such a fitting decoration for the Mexican party. Adorning the side of the cactus is the lovely Stefanie..our gracious host who put us up in her apartment in Sydney. Thankyou lovely Stef :)
At the moment our girls are awaiting a hutch to be completed by their dad. It is to be inhabited by a couple of Cavy's..yes, we call them Guinea Pigs here in this house. I am glad we are going to get them for the girls, as I can make good use of the scrap vegetables from after dinner, instead of turfing them in the garbage bin.
An addit to the story of happenings above is that yesterday the most gorgeous plumber came to our place and fixed our loo that has been leaking (before you all go eeewwww..it is the clean water that was leaking). This has meant that the 4 kids have been using our loo in the ensuite for the past....many, many, months. Now they can use their own!!! Yippeeee. Then again, young Mia did come in at ha-past-4 this a.m. to use mine (Grrrr!!!). Big hugs all round for our loverly plumber :)
And nothing else happened in your day yesterday? :-P
oh - you could use a caption like... The cactus and it's flower?
Post amended, am berry berry sowwy Rebecca..you are our favourite plumber (winks)
Gr8 one Melly, very apt for our rosy Stef :)
I have ever visited a market in Melbourne. My mother bought a bag from Russian. I bought boots. That market might have been Queen Victoria Market.
PMSL Rachy..hahaha...
Lucy, yes, you may well be right. But then there is a smaller, nice market called the South Melbourne Market too. All have fine produce and many clothes and bags and even bras :) Seafood is to die for and the delicatessan's are second to none :)
Rebecca is a plumber too?
My hotwater tank is about to blow, could she fix that for me? ;)
Sounds like you had a great time all around. It's nice to get out and have some fun every once in a while.
Thought i'd just spam your blog with my advertising campaign 70's fancy dress
Damn! Now I've got a hankerin' for a 70's fancy dress...
Steph, I reckon she could do that sometime real soon as she is a headin' your way next few weeks in fact :)
JAy man, I agree with you 100%
Huh Hummm, spam hey, I like it :)
HBM, I too love 70's outfits..but yesterday I did see alot of the 1950's dresses for sale at the local market...me thinks the fashion is coming backto bit us on the be hind :)
i've to say that this is the most resourceful blog i read in recently. everything from bus to plumber.
the cactus pic cracks me up, wat's with the sign on it?
Hi Steph,
My former father is a plumber. As part of my punishment for being born to my parents, I had to work with him on many occasions. Fixing a seal on a toilet is a simple task. Replacing a hot water system requires signing off by a registared plumber these days. Best to get one in.
Seriously, what's up with the testicle balloons and the International "NO" symbol?
Yes I noticed the thin Penis and Balls beside the cactus. Do they belong to Stefanie ? (My poor attempt at humour ;) )
Also note that your friend's book case contains books on such topics as Fords, Holdens, Australian Grand Prix and Architecture.
Who is the person in background on the left ?
Hi Cazzie,
I'm guessing it was a girls only party? Does that mean the guys we stuck into a "kiddies corner" and fed only Fairy Bread?
As for the bookshelf, that gives me an idea for a post, thanks Mr Huggies.
I built a bookshlef yesterday, so currently filling it with books. I never knew I had such a variety in my reading.
Ace, thanks for the compliment. The cross sign on the cactus means "No pricks" :)
Rebecca, your days as the servant as a plumber seemed to be over until we came into your lives..or that of this crappy placce we live in :( Thanks once again.
Thanks for visiting me spammer ..not!!!
Stewie Man, see above for the meaning of the "no" sign honey :)
Mr Huggies, all is explained if you click on lovely Stef's name and go to her web page, but I have to say, it was a party at her lovely abode, but not in her name. The girl in the back ground on the left is named Stephanie, she is a lovely girl we met for the first time at Stef and Chani's place.
Rebecca....again(*winks) I bet Bottersnikes and Gumbles is in your collection there too :)
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