Sunday, May 30, 2010

Last night's night shift was so busy and I cannot think of any more amazing words of gratitude to say about the wonderful staff I worked with. We did not have an easy run, things that nurses know they do not want to happen, happened. The hardest thing for us on the trauma/head and neck ward is to make people comfortable, aka, pain free. Sure, medications can be great, but there is an art to repositioning someone "just so" in a hospital bed. Fractured ribs, bruised bodies and plastered limbs just to name very few. My most precious sight is when I walk in ,very quietly , with torch in hand, and see that the person I helped to reposition earlier is sound asleep.
Tomas slept at a mate's place last night and it seemed that he had a good time. When he got home this afternoon I asked him how it all went "Good" was what I got. I guess sometimes teenagers just keep it short and sweet... yeah, I was a teenager once :)
Hubby took Nick and Sarah to an indoor soccer birthday party. They had a ball there. He then took Mia bowling, which she says was "Awesome!" I slept soundly while they were all out having fun.
I worked with a lovely nurse two nights ago who had trained at my hospital quite a few years ago. She was talking about being involved in our Graduate Nurses Association and the fact that there are not very many people attending the group these days.
Also, that there is a Genealogical Society that is involved with deciphering or transcribing old treatment records within our hospital which date pre 1910, earliest date being 1856. It is volunteer work. I think this is an amazing opportunity and one I would not want to miss. I will be contacting the appropriate people this week about becoming involved.


Jayne said...

You're a good egg, Cazzie ;)
The early records are a gold mine of info on practices, treatment, social conditions, etc :)

Hillbilly Mom said...

You nurses are the unsung heroes of the hospital world. I can not imagine handling that kind of responsibility and being so compassionate as well.

I had a fantastic nurse the night of my thyroid surgery. She was right there when I buzzed, unplugging my various appliances, carrying my IV to the bathroom for me, plugging my oxygen and pulse-ox and leg pump thingies back in, re-hanging that IV, helping me get settled with the blankets not covering my toes, making sure I had the call button within reach, explaining each detail of the meds and vitals and blood-draw, and telling me how her mother had the same surgery as me, and that now you can't even see a scar. I apologized for being so much trouble, but she said it was nothing, that she was there to help.

Shout out to Shannon, the Tuesday night RN on the post-surgery ward at Barnes Jewish Hospital in St. Louis. She ROCKS!

Cazzie!!! said...

Jayne, thanks :)
I am excited to get going on helping out with the geneology stuff. You are right, a different time, a different place :)

HBM, wow, your nurse must be MY twin :) She does everything that I do...and we both make sure the patient is as comfy and warm and settled as bell within reach :)

Anonymous said...

I usually assume if I see kids with their father bowling on a Sunday, it is Dad's access day. Clearly not a safe assumption. The historical records sound fascinating.

Mal Kiely [Lancelots Pram] said...


Ann ODyne said...

that history transcribing is fascinating. I have read family history site lists of all the 'old' Cause Of Death categories and what we know the same things as these days.
amazing, although several certificates 100 years ago were given as 'Visitation from God'.

I LOVE your Summer Heights High photo. X X

Cazzie!!! said...

Andrew, yes, I guess some people would think that way, and I am guessing at times thwy would think of me as a single mother or something. At times we work opposite shifts and well, when I work nights I sleep in the day and hubby takes the kids out places and to visit people or just outside tending the veggie patches.
Cannot wait to get into the geneology stuff, so exciting :) It is of a Wednesday and I cannot do it every Wednesday but I will try my best to at least assist on a monthly basis.

Mal, thanks mate :)

Anne, thanks for the insight, I may just be emailing you (if that is okay) during the course of the days when I am transcribing these histories.. seems to me you would be most apt to receive tips from in this area :)
Haha at the Summer Heights High, I did not think of it in that light... It is me at age 16 :)

Mom said...

I love reading you blog. You are always so grateful and so upbeat about your work and your family. It is good to know that there are happy people like you who count their blessings.

Middle Child said...

"My most precious sight is when I walk in ,very quietly , with torch in hand, and see that the person I helped to reposition earlier is sound asleep."

Cazzie...this made me cry...I tried so hard over the years to position Don, pillows between his knees so the hrotten hips did not snap away, pillows just the right height behind his back to open out his cheast to make breathing easier..the right siozed onw under his meant so much to him to just get some sleep p[ain free.

You would be one of the good ones...In RNSH this sort of care was a disaster - I think that place would have even defeated your spirit...sadly

rosemary said...

You are a good woman Cazzie...a nurse, mother, wife and now community involvement with your hospital.

Cazzie!!! said...

MOm, I love it when you visit, and I love it when I read your stories too :)

Therese, yeah, I know, I wish every nurse was as enthusiastic as I...then we would have ace hospitals :)

Rosemary... I cannot wait to begin the deciphering of the old notes :)