Yesterday we went to a friend's farm and had a BBQ and the kids got to play with lots of things out in the fresh country air. Above is a wood/chainsaw carving of..yeah..a bear! Below is the carving that my little doggie Bondi stopped mid step and growled at..very confidently I might add, LOL.
These two horses have 120acres to run around on and yet they chose to follow us around like puppy dogs that were lost. Every time Mia and Sarah walked, they followed, and every time they stopped, the horses stopped and put their lovely necks over my girls' shoulder.

It was a pleasant day and Sarah had a hard time falling asleep last night because the horses overwhelmed her so. We gave her nice clothes and a jewellery box with a ballerina on top of it for her gifts.
Lol at Bondi growling. I used to love music boxes..........to pull apart and get the music mechanism out of them.
I wish I could have been there to see Bondi growling. LOL. And happy B-day to Sarah. The party sounds like it went off well.
It's good to be 8.
Happy Birthday to Sarah, a little late.
Those are fab carvings and what little girl wouldn't love a party on a farm :)
Andrew, I know, I know..the musical boxes, sheesh, but this one sounds so pretty :)
Alice, it was hillarious that he reacted so to the carvings.
Mom and Betty, thanks :)
Jayne, a party on a farm was ideal for her, as she so loves horses and loves nature..like her Mum :)
Eight was a great year for me. I learned to swim...sounds like you all had a great day.
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