"MY PLACE". It is an Australian Classic Novel written by Sally Morgan about her own emotional and spiritual journey to find her Grandmother's roots and heritage, only to uncover much much more than that. It is such a moving book, a true story which is close to my heart. Someday I hope to go on that very same pilgrimage to find my Grandmother's story too, which is not that dissimilar to Sally Morgan's Grandmother's story. It makes you laugh in places and it also makes you sob your heart out, well, for me, it did! A hard book to put down once you begin reading it.

"Lady of the Camellias" By Alexander Dumas.
This is a book I sought after for a long time. I read it when I was 14 or so an only half read it then, it was a lend on a Winter School Holliday time.. I had to return it. I love it, I love the period to which it is set, I love the description of the clothing and scenery and the French culture surrounding The Lady of the Camellias. The men sound so scrumptious and the women so naughty and yet lovely at the same time. I believe this has been a play and also a movie, has anyone seen either of these?
I read My Place years ago and I still have it. I will reread it. Yours has a different cover.
I was only wondering this morning what books i could take in hospital with me...
I think I've read My PLACE, but it was a while ago.
My Place sounds like my kind of read. I am putting it on list.
Is this the Count Of Monte Cristo & Three Musketeers guy?
My Place sounds cool because you are such a History nut. You need to write your own version..it would be tremendously rewarding for you!
Hi!! thanks for visiting.Ive been terribly slack in blogging lately but now that Im back in NZ I will be better..Im going to get both of those books from the library:)
(excessive use of !!!!) I do it too;)
Hi ,
I was reading ur blog posts and found some of them to be very good.. u write well.. Why don't you popularize it more.. ur posts on ur blog ‘I don't do mornings!!!’ took my particular attention as some of them are interesting topics of mine too;
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read My Place years back - its excellent...haven't read the other one.
Cazzie, I have ordered the book I can only get it secondhand from the States, hope it still works!!!!
I'm so sure i have that Dumas book somewhere tho i haven't got around to it (I keep books mostly to look smart and decor the living room with the nice cover).
is it as good as Monte Cristo? The french sure have a thing for those.
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