I took pics with my mobile of Saturday night but cant get them over to the PC :( We also stopped in on some Christmas houses and they were great. Some people go all the way with their decorating, each year buying tha little bit more to show everyone. One place, the bus stops out the front full of passengers every time it passes en rout to the station...unbelievable!
They are fabulous! Such talent!
what fabulous sculptures!
those are just fantastic, so glad you shared them, I've not seen anything like them before
Amazing Cazzie. They must use some sort of binder with the sand. Imagine what a kid could do if let loose in there.
Very nice!
It never ceases to amaze me how crazy talented some people can be. Those are so damn cool!
I have always been fascinated by those talented sculptures. In the summer here they have a big contest in July at Imperial Beach. I've lived here for 15 year and every year I say I am going to go to one...maybe this NEXT summer I will!!
Thanks for sharing ;o)
They are quite amazing. I believe they do something similar down in Rye over summer, but I've never been to see. Maybe I should this year!
Betty, I agree
Keshi, awesome hey!
Palm, you must see them at a beach in your area sometime..then again, this is not even at a beach this one, its in a shopping mall!!
Andrew, I will ask them next I go to the plaza, I reckon you are right!
Captain, agreed!
Jay, I know, and I love art and this is so amazing, and you cannot believe it until you see it first hand.
Jillie, do go...we have the same thing down Rye on the Peninsula every year and we have seen it the past 4 years running..amazing stuff.
Stace, yep, we have seen it 4 years running and it is worth the look. Disney World was just one of the many things on display in sand art amongst other amazing things.
Wow! Those are amazing.
Mom, they sure are!
Kaylee, I am great and you?
amazing stuff... thanks Cazzie
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