And....before Christmas arrives it is my birthday soon and I just keep thinking....where ARE the days going?
I know I am not the busiest person on the planet but it is silly season after all!
Last night hubby and I went on a dinner cruise along the Yarra River and out under our Westgate Bridge, over to lovely Williamstown and back to the Docklands again. It was so much fun, I danced ALL night! It was for the first of many work Christmas Parties.
I have been working full time again now also and so, with that, life is hectic. I am loving the work and life is good! Everyone is healthy and that is the main thing. I will take more pics when we go out to the next few functions and keep everyone up to date as to what has been going on.
I hope you all stay safe over this busy time :)
Glad to hear that all is well Down Under.
Your school term runs different than ours. when does the school term begin and end?
Awww..don't appolozize for not blogging when you are so busy living life!
When is your birthday? Big plans???
Christmas parties are the best parties! Always lots of goodies! LOL
I wish we had Christmas in the summer like you do.
I never asked for a "white Christmas", but I guess I'm stuck with them like the rest of my North Hemispherite comrades.
Have fun and see you when you get a chnce, Cazzie!!!
Best wishes, friend.
From now on till Christmas...all those with little uns will be forgiven all lapses : )
The cruise sounds great Cazzie. Hope the feet are ok.
Mom, the school term 4 ends 21st December and the new school year begins 30th January for us.
Slice, 11th December is my birthday, we plan to go out for dinner somewhere in town :)
Jay, they sure are fun mate.
Eric, we sing songs and draw pictures of santa in the snow but we never get snow, lol.
MC, I hope so :)
Andrew, oh wow, how DID you know it??? My feet were swollen, not sore but I could feel pressure in my ankles, so I rest with them up on a pillow like a Queen all day LOL
We all just like knowing you are still here....
Have a wonderful silly season!
sounds like you are having a big life just now! Good for you! Sounds like fun too!
Wow, you're so busy! I take my hat off to you.
Don't forget to have a rest.
I love it how you stay so jolly over this time. Xmas makes me come out in hives!!
Life is good; really, really enjoy it. A cruise with your hubby is perfect.
MWAH beautiful I missed ya!
Im glad u r having loads of Chrissie fun already woohoo! aww I wanna dance with ya :)
Keep having fun!
Glad to hear that you and the hubby are getting some quality time over the holiday season. That has to be the best part of the season.
Life is crazy busy around this time isn't it?
Its insane. And the next few weeks will be even worse!
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