12 years since we were hitched. 12 years and 4 sproutlings later we are still head over heals in love. Sure, we have our fights, you would be a bloody liar if you said you never had a barney with your other half. And..you know what? It'll be so many years more that we will be together!
And so, without further adieu, I give you a SONG my darling husband :)
Maybe, 12 years since we got mared too. You got married youngger than me.
Recentlly I thought I should got married young age. So I could have more kids..
But when I was young, I didn’t meet a nice guy. LOL
Only at nearly 9 here, does being together 12.5 years count??
Happy Anniversary!!!!
Happy Anniversary! I hope you have many more happy years together.
How sweet Cazzie. He must be such a tolerant bloke. (Andrew ducks)
Happy Anniversary, 12 years that is great to hear.
(Mr. Lizard..hehehe)
Cazzie, what a wonderful tribute to your marriage, your husband, and your love for each other..You have what other people only wish they had!
Happy Anniversary!!!
Your Yank Bud...Galen xox
Happy anniversary - he must be one hell of a good bloke to deserve someone like you!
All my best to you both, and your family Cazzie! Congratulations!
Ahhhhhh, congrats Mr and Mrs Cazzie on a job well done :)
COngratulations. 12 years; you dont get that long for murder these days:)
We are coming up on our first aniversary which i will be away for.....
Congrats on 12 years!! And here's to 12 more!
CONGRATS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :P
Congatulations - sounds like they have been 12 very fruitful years!
o wow CONGRATTZ babeh!
HAPPY 12th and many more to come!
Glad to hear about your wonderful marriage and it's longevity, Cazzie!!!
Be well.
Congratulations and long may it continue.
CONGRATULATION!! Twelve years is terrific! We are facing the end of nine here and can't wait to see what comes round the bend for us.
Happy Anniversary! :-)
12 years is a good beginning. May the years continue to get sweeter.
Thanks so much to everyone for the wonderful comments. It was a fabulous day and we had a lovely family roast. We had many calls of congratulations from family and friends. Family and friends we love and admire too :)
Happy Anniversary Cazzie! You have a couple years on Willi and I.
Nice choice in music. Timothy B. Schmit has been one of my favorites since his days in Poco.
Happy (belated) anniversary! I hope you celebrated in style :).
I love the Eagles and what a great song for you to tribute to your hubby! "R" and I have been together for 6 happy unmarried years. Our off springs are 3 dogs and a cat...lol!!
Congrats to you and yours!!!!
wow that's like 84 dog years! LOL
So there are 6 of you around the tea table wow!
I always thought I'd have four, and lucky we got started when we did because we had Melissa when I was 20, and Alison at 23...if we'd waited we'd have missed out completelt...but four, how much fun is that?
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