Then we had a ride on the following baby.....
The four kidlettes on the olde train..

Crowd of onlookers watching the coupling of the steam locomotive after much waiting...
We caught a V-Line train from Werribee to Geelong. Watched the show unfold as the steamer was coupled to the carriages. Heard the brass band play tunes, watched as kids both big and small went "oohhh ahhhh" at the great old trains before us. Lots of clicking of shutters around us and happy people waving hands.
We had a ride for all of 20 dollars on the above pictured train. It was just so much fun for us all. People were scattered along the train line, parked in cars on side of roads just to get a glimpse of the trains, both diesel and steam engines alike. The tickets will be kept aside for the kids to look back on aswell as the pictures and say, I was there on that day!
Steam engines are really something to see and hear and that video is pretty cool. Looks like a nice day for your family!
Looks like a great trip. And definately keep the tickets for the kids. I keep stubs and such. One day maybe I'll sort them out... doubtful.. but they are still there.
In keeping with the my rant on the previous posting about Trains I forgot to mention that RC2 Corp. recalled about 1.5 million Chinese made Thomas the Tank Engine wooden railway toys in North America due to concerns that the paint used on them may contain lead. How appropeau?
Ok I admit train rides are fun. I wish that the train that once ran up to the Lake (where I just missed hitting the Bear) was still in service. That would be fun to ride up to the Beach for the day.
Ahem...I remember actually when steam trains and ticket collectors were just like this... only back to the early 1960's....the steam/smoke would come back in the windows sometimes depending on the curve of the tracks and the wind.
Also remember freezing on them in winter's nights, when if you found yourself lucky to be in a compartment alone with that big metal heater thingie you would try to wrap yourself around it because you almost got lockjaw from your teeth chattering...
ah the good old days...
Beautiful day out, there is something about the old steamers, which is warm and full of life as opposed to the connex steel trains which look they are dragging people of to siberian work camps.
PUffing billy, and the historical railway in queenscliff are 2 of my fondest childhood memories.
Looks like you all had lots of fun, Cazzie. What good memories to write about and share. Hope the best for you and your familly and writing.
Some day your kids will remember these fun trips of history. I remember all of the ones my folks took me on. Too bad I didn't appreciate them when I was there.
I love old cars, and boats and trains. They just have so much style. Sounds strange, but I even love the way they smell.
They had the old steam trains at an event held in my home town one year. I loved it.
Nothing like taking a trip to yesteryear...
Looks like you guys had a great time. I don't know what it is, but I've always loved trains. I plan on building a train room one of these day.
You should write a history book Cazzie! I love your history posts.
Gosh I love trains. I love being rocked to sleep on them. I love overnighters. I love when conducters punch your tickets and the paper scraps fall to the floor. I love to see the world go by right outside.
They're so much better than planes!
What a great trip!! We love steam locomotives. I thought you and your kids were very fun.
I've never ridden a REAL train, I'd love to!!!
look how cute the kidlets are! :)
Looks like a lot of fun! There was a railway museum near where I grew up, and it had lots of trains onsite that I could climb on and check out. I'd love to take a vacation by train someday, in one of those sleeping compartments like they had in North by Northwest.
What great pictures of the kids. I think it would be so much fun to go on a train ride on a steam train of all things!!
I need to start doing more stuff around San Diego...
I so love steam trains, they are just so beautiful and (now) romantic. Great trip and photos.
Love the steam engines!
Like I said before, I think a Vespa Festival would be kickass.
I love the photo-story, it was like I was there! But really, trains do have a lovely charm. I commuted by train through the sunrise time for my last job, and found them a nice way to get wisked away.
Your trains are much cooler then mine. We don't have ticket takers. We do have homeless people though.
Not the same.
My Grandfather was a conductor for Southern Pacific many years ago so naturally my family is into trains. I love your posts.I was just looking at some old posts of mine and saw a couple of comments from you that I missed and wanted to say thanks for popping in and sorry for not noticing.
Yer such a good mommy! I am envious! What an awesome time...priceless.
Oh, the lil' towheads are BEAUTIFUL.
I love the train, It's very relaxing and a lot of fun, I hope Mia is feeling better sweetie.
(I've been reading back)
Galen xoxox
Looks like a lot of fun!
I've always wanted to set up a model railway... but it's so expensive! Doing the real thing is cheaper :)
I've never ridden on a train other than the little kiddie train at the zoo. I want to ride a steam train so badly. It would be so much fun.
What a beautiful old train. Yes, keep the stubbs for the kiddos. Maybe they'll remember some of it.
It always amazes me that my girls don't remember some of the things that I really think they should!
Willi, thanks for the kind comments, I was wrapped how the recording turned out :)
FWT, Yeah, I shall keep the tickets for the kids, and put them in an album I think.
HE, I love reading your comments, always something to learn.I LMAO at the choo woo...I am so sure you can hear me in the recording doing just that sound!!!
MC, funny how every1 remembers such things romantically even if they never thought so at the time. I remember riding the old sardine can school bus in the 70's, a very square looking bus by all accounts. I didnt like it much then but I do remember it fondly. I am so glad you have read my post, big big huggs to you.
Aidan, those trainsare definately awesome, and even the small one at Port Arlington too, the volunteers so love what they do there...and we did see there is a min railway at Altona too..must to do list for the school hollidays.
Eric, ty so much, I value your visits, and love your poetry.
Rosemary, life is like that isn't it? Hindsight is a wonderful thing..
Phihez, I agree, paddle steamers are amazing too, I have something in the pipeline fomy Fri Hist Posts with that in a few weeks time.
Semaphore, mate, you added a worldly feel to the experience, you so looked the part, you could very well have been a gorgeous actor from a movie for that period of time. The kids loved it, and Sarah, the 6 year old, fell asleep going back to Footscray station :)
Chickybabe. I concur lovey :)
Captain Corky, baby corky will sooo love the train room too, you will be such a great dadda :)
Dan, coming from a girl who once said she would marry an F-16 fighter jet (yes, back in my cadet days) I have to agree with you there, trains allow you to see the worlde outside for sure.
And...the tickets DID have scraps on the floor, I so wish I had taken a pic of it now, I did look at them you know :)
Lucy, I am glad you liked it, I hope your boys got to see the film?
FC&F, well, come vacation here and we can take you on a few :)
M, thanks hon :)
Joe, I would love to do the sleeper train thing. We may very well be doing it this October.
Jillie, it was fun and you ought to do the fun things and take images and show us all :)
TG, I so know what you mean :)
Keshi, me too.
Beefcake, I reckon it would, say it again, you knwo the old theory, throw enough SH*T at the wall something gotta stick? LMAO
RBW, whisked through the sunrise would be lovely :)
Todd, homeless people aye? well, they are everywhere you know :(
Debi, do you have images of him as a conductor? That would be lovely, np about the not noticing me til now, I am short, and easily un noticed :)
Chikken, thanks very muchly :)
G-Man, thanks as usual you make me smile upon reading ur comments :)
Stace, I agree.
JAy, book a trip now mate :) Better than driving the car, you get to view the surroundings.
Susan, I know it too. I remember everything I did with my parents from age 3 or so...amazing hey?
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