Today we went into Melbourne and saw, for the first time in 14 years, the Myer Christmas Parade. The kids absolutely loved it, both young and old! They had floats with really groovy themes, A Barbie Princess Float, one with Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles and of course, the last one was with Santa..and John So He's My Bro! In between Santa and John So was the lovely Miss Hawkins ,our own Miss Universe. Like a rose between the thorns, she was dazzling :)
The Myer Christmas Windows were also revealed but there were soooo many people we opted to come back on another day. This is a tradition that has gone on at the Myer Department store in Bourke Street Melbourne since 1956. Last year, there were so many people that they had special baracades and they employed people to move the traffic along just to get a good peek at the display. It is truly worth it with all the work the people put into it.
Today will also be remembered as a sad day for anyone who loved Belinda Emmett. A lovely young woman who lived ever graciously with that asshole disease we call cancer. A gorgeous actress, a lovely person, huggs to her husband Rove and her family and friends. The World has lost another nice person, dunno why it is like it is but it is the asshole people who seem to live forever.
happy rememberance day. it is rememberance day here as well.
That settles it; I am moving to Australia. Well at least, I intend to visit. Big department stores in the US used to have wonderful Christmas windows, but I think that tradition has diminished here. And, John So, the politician, looks friendly not mean and vengeful like so many of our politicans. Your pre-Christmas festivities seem like great fun.
TC, Lest We Forget Worldwide what sacrifices the men and women made for our freedom.
MJD, Wow, I was saying to my kids as we were watching the parade that the celebrations in America would be the best..and that's because the snow would be real snow, not from a snow machine on back of a float :)
John So is a people person for sure. People knock him because his English is not so good, but he always means well and is always where the party is in town.
What a gorgeous spot for a wedding, or anything, for that matter. (Also, I loved the picture of your children on the bed.)
I have no idea how you found my blog but it's so nice to have comments from you. Thanks and if I live long enough I may get to Australia some day...or you could come here!
I've always wanted to get out to Werribee Mansion... it's supposed to be very very haunted. Cool!!!
I don't have time to get to the Myer Windows... I probably wouldn't, even if I did have time. I think they've lost their magic for me, maybe it'll come back when I have kids...?
Lest We Forget.
Those Christmas Windows sound like a lot of fun.
And speaking of rememberance day...
My Great Uncle, Peter Loy, served in the 20th Infantry Battallion, First Australian Imperial Force in WWI.
Cool huh?
it's a gorgeous place to get married:)
and yes, it is the asshole ppl that live for a long time. sheesh.
Ginnie, thanks for visiting, I got to you through Gawilli's site there. Glad you liked the pics, yes it was a lovely wedding place for sure.
Stace, I remember our excursion to the mansion, we were told of the story of Mr Thomas Chirnside and how he commited suicide because he thought he was now poor, but he was not. They do believe it is haunted, but I have been there night and day and not felt his presence.
Yes, when you have kids the magic does return, and Christmas is just marvelous!
Jay, very cool mate.
BurgundyButterfly, lol, yes, you are right.
I thought of Belinda Emmett and realised she is the exact age of our eldest daughter.
Some bright spark from the AMA made a statement recently, "While we acknoiwledge that more people are getting cancer, we now have a better cure rate" now if that isn't stupid...
If the AMA State and federal Governments and other boffins would really get their fingers out and go hard after the big corporations who manufacture the filth we eat, drink are injected with and breathe...and make they accountable...oh but shucks why would they do that...they are on their payrolls?
**dunno why it is like it is but it is the asshole people who seem to live forever.
I so agree Caz!
Couldnt comment on Belinda the other day..I was too overwhelmed in grief.
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