This had better not be anyone's idea of a bad joke..I just heard that my kids' favourite celebrity Steve Irwin died as a result of a sting ray striking him with its barb in the chest somewhere off the coast of Port Douglas. I cannot find it anywhere on the news on the net but I hope it ain't true.
I know, better than anyone that people we know and love can die without any given notice. But if this is true then I am going to have to be there for the kids and let them know about it when they get out of school. Bye Crikey....I think I am in shock here. :(
Sorry, just got it on the net now, it is true...read about it here.
My kids have grown up watching his documentaries, have stayed up late watching his interviews on TV with his wife Terri and their little girl Bindi..now they have their little boy aswell. This sux, I know it is occupational hazzard for Steve but what a way to go.
We planned on going to Australia Zoo on our bus adventure aswell, hoping that Steve would be there at the time we visited and all. The kids only spoke of it the other day here in the lounge room.
Hi Cazzie,
I think he will be there. Either he will be buried on site, or he will be the 2pm Croc feeding show.
The other thing to note is, how much street cred will that Stingray now have with the rest of the sea world?
LOL, Rebecca, he was a comedian at heart so I bet he wouldn't mind your comment.
I hope there is a monument built for him there at Australia Zoo too.
Hi Cazzie,
I do feel sorry for his kids, as they are quite young. I hope they get all the support they need.
Thankfully there should be enough video footage of their father, that in future years, they can see the ind of person he was.
Sure a lot of people found him annoying, but he did promote the wildlife of the world, and helped us all to appreciate the animals around us. His conservation work should also be recognised, for the effort he put into it.
Yer sick Rebecca!!! But that's what we like about you!
It is sad, though!
I can understand your first response. We have seen Steve do so many wild, crazy things and come out on top. He definitely died as he lived, but what a loss to the rest of us.
(I am visiting from Jay, The Cynical Bastard.)
I saw the news of Irwin's death as soon as I got up. It's all over the news here too. He always seemed like such a risk taker, but he was always so careful too. Just a freak accident.
He lived a full and adventurous life, if a bit risky.
OH and I love your profile pic. Keira Knightley in war paint! WHOO - HOO! LOL
OH and I love your profile pic. Keira Knightley in war paint! WHOO - HOO! LOL
I know, we had holiday here and I woke up to it being plastered all over the tele. I too had to break it to the kids. My son took it hard. He wanted to be Steve when he grew up and I think Babygirl wants to marry a man that "resues" animals. Give the kids a big hug for me. I too feel for his whole family, so young and so much life to be lived. They have got to make this day a national holiday for all the great things he did for the animals. He is/was a huge superhero to the kids around the world.
Really feel for Terri and the kids. They seems to be a very close, loving family.
He'll never be replaced.
Mark, you make me laugh. Yep, if them there comments came from anyone but Rebecca I'd be mortified by them but as they did come from her I knew to laugh. Tongue in cheek humour gets me everytime :)
MJD, thanks for the visit and your words ring true for sure.
Jay Man, yep, freak accident it was matey. And....yep, I wanna look like her some day in the future, :) ON with the Biggest Looser workout DVD :)
Big Mama, you speak the truth when you say he was a superhero. Still is one really, I guess our kids can learn that we are note invincible, and to take care around nature's things.
Steph, I totaly agree with you hon, totaly.
My Canadian mate, Kevin, an editorial cartoonist, dedicated his Tuesday cartoon to Steve Irwin.
We Aussies loved Steve because of his conservation efforts, his ambassadorship for Australia and his family values. He was the Australian Hero we all wanted to be, if we weren't so busy with our "sensible" lives.
Some disliked his over-exuberance, claiming he has too full of show-biz. But he was the genuine article. That persona wasn't just put on when the cameras were rolling. He was like that ALL THE TIME. You gotta love that.
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