Firstly I have to congratulate Hillbilly Mom for winning the BigBlogger2 for 2006....well done!!!
It was alot of fun and I hope we all get to do it again next year :)
I post this picture in tribute to Hillbilly Mom and she may be able to use it when school is back in for an addition to the other kitty pics in Mr K's wallet. It is also in tribute to the cats that are no longer peeing around my place. Wouldn't you know it...they have vanished since we got the cage...hmmmm..wonders where they may be.. Anyone need a lend of a cage to rid their place of vermin? Snakes, possums or do-not people?
Here's a letter a friend mailed to a few neighbours a while back, enjoy the reading...
It has become apparent that certain territorial cats in the local area have the undesirable inconsiderate unhygenic and filthy habit of...
Either the owner of the cat(s) ensures their treasured pet does not wander on to other people's property
I shall fix it by means of
1) A savage bull terrior
2) Poison
or...3) ??
I'll let you decide your cat's fate.
Thankyou for your co-operation.
You know, in this country if somebody sent their neighbor that letter, the sender would probably get arrested. LOL
I can't stand people who let their pets run free and don't keep them under control.
I once had a friend who was having trouble with someone else's cat so she scooped the cat up and drove to another town and let it loose. Better than killing it I guess.
Now that IS shitty RAchy, yukko!!!
Yeah Jay, we had cats years ago and we used to pen them up in a big cattery at night, responsible pet ownership :)
I would have sent back a letter saying that if my cat went missing, so would THEY shortly after.
Cement boots come in all sizes ;)
I see...the cats have been pissing you off. Bwahaha! My plan worked! It was all set up to distract you from your Big Blogger entries. Now that the contest is over, no more cats. I'm surprised you didn't make the connection and see that I was behind it. I am the master of cat pranks. Just ask Mr. K.
Yeah, so true Steph, I would be the same if it were my cat and all, but then I bet you are a responsible pet owner like we are. These cats we have trouble with were feral..the council soon takes care of them. They are as big as the cage we catch them in too.
Hey..yeah Hillbilly Mom..I Do see the connection now..and they ARE all gone..wow..how DO you do it lady???
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