Out front of the F111 display, the kids were unaware of what was actually going on behind them. The guys were happy they would be going home after a week on display. We all concur, it was the best show we have seen yet. Film of the F111 afterburn taken from the show Sunday HERE. By far the best footage of the F111, including afterburner in the routine is HERE.
The kids with Ricardo Traven, the pilot of the FA 18 Super Hornet, for the airshow. The FA 18's were leased back off of the US Navy by Boeing for display at this airshow. Anything that breaks or needs replacing was also Boeing's responsibility. Then, the Hornets would be left here, all except one which is on it's way to Japan as I type....kitted out to carry a passenger. Film of the FA18 Super Hornet with Riccardo flying it HERE .
The kids with Ricardo Traven, the pilot of the FA 18 Super Hornet, for the airshow. The FA 18's were leased back off of the US Navy by Boeing for display at this airshow. Anything that breaks or needs replacing was also Boeing's responsibility. Then, the Hornets would be left here, all except one which is on it's way to Japan as I type....kitted out to carry a passenger. Film of the FA18 Super Hornet with Riccardo flying it HERE .
Tom, Nick and Sarah checking out one of our newest additions to the Australian Army, Abrams M1A1 Main Battle Tanks . Brought to replace the Leopard Tank. Mia was in the stroller, she has come down with a cold :(
A picture Tom took as we were driving home at crawling pace in all the Airshow Traffic, a bright as bright white stripe in the air in the very far distance...we were thinking, it was the Aliens who come visit from Outerspace to take pics of our AirShow technology, to come back in 2 years time once again ...ohhhh, Spooky Moulder, LOL.
Thanks for the visit and the lovely kind comments.I appreciate them.
Oh You have great pics on here.James took me to lots of airshows in oklahoma and kansas.I love planes and pilots are rather cute too.
You have a gorgeous family.
oooo looks like heaps of fun!
My guess is that it was plane sailing.........
We could see the smoke from Portarlington.
All these pictures of the airshow are making me want to tell some tales from when I was in the navy.
I feel...dizzy.
Everything is going dark...
Alright, when Chris moved us to an Army Base in New Jersey, he faled to mention that our base housing was less than a mile from the landing strip... so we'd see the underbellies of c-130s, but the scariest of thebunch were the c-5's... Oh man those were huge. I could literally read the numbers clearly off of their bellies when they flew over my house. Creepy.
Those kids are adorable Cazzie! How old is Tom?Looks like a fun time was had by all.
So this weekend you went to airshow....and I peed on myself.
This seems.....out of balance.
Sounds like you had a great time. I love to watch airplanes take off and land, etc.
Thanks for all the pics and vids of the airshow. Looks like you had a good time at Avalon. The torching F-111 is my favourite! Always something special!
Greetz René
Beautiful pieces of hardware on display the only downside is most of them are designed to kill people....
Apart from my inner socialist i do enjoy the air show, roar of the engines, stunts and stats...
Great pics and great family times!
What a fun weekend & SO educational for the kiddos!!
Ah, man, that looks like fun. I gotta get me back in the cockpit soon.
cazzie your kids are sooooo cute. if they ever start getting on your nerves and you need to send them away for your sanity...send 'em to me...
how fun!
Looks like you and the family had a lot of fun!!! When I was young, my dad used to take my brother to the airshows, but I don't recall that he ever took me :( Oh well, I survived... traumatised, of course, but alive ;) Glad you had a good time!
What an awesome day. Getting up close and seeing all those planes and the tank is always fun. And talking to the pilots is cool too. They love to talk about their planes.
I like your site very much. Thanks for your interest. Have a good day
You have a handsome family! Looks as though it was a great day out ... exciting for the kids, I bet.
Thank you so much for stopping by Beck's blog today. He will be so excited that someone else likes trains!
His movie is here on YouTube. There are a few seconds of toy trains at the end.
The Airshow looks like it was absolutely awesome. I'll have to show your post to Beck tomorrow.
Thanks again!
(aka Beck's mom)
Butterflies, Gday :) Glad your stopped by. James certainly showed you some great things. You are right about the cute pilots too!!
M, sure was.
Steve, hahha, you cracked me up.
Andrew, my thoughts when some of the bigger planes were doing manouvres was that they were putting out alot of smoke.
Beefcake, cool, pray tell old chap!
Alicia. well, I hope you didn;t have babies to get to sleep when those C5's came over, oh lala.
Poody, Tom will be 10, yep, double digits, on 3rd April. We can't wait for the next air show in 2 yrs time now.
Crabby, I almost wet myself watching them planes, lol, so perhaps we are both in need of a wheel alignment, or some-such-thing, LOL!!
Betty, oh me too, me too.
Rene, for sure, the torching made us all go, Öhhh, and Wowwww". The heat was amazing also, and the glow of the fuselage too.
Aidan, I know, the thought crossed my mind many a time, these awesome planes and what their purpose is and all, but I think the engineering, the logistics and the things we seen on display in the buildings re the new techonology was amazing. I do agree with you there.
The old stunt pilotsw in the bi planes were SICK SICK SICK with their aerobatics, stomach lurches at the thought of the G's they were pulling!!!
Keshi, they sure were, how are ya hon?
FC&F, yes it was. The best thing I saw was my Tomas using his courtesy and asking permission of the military folk and some of the other folk there to board their plane or look inside their tanker. They aqll commented on his manners, I was pleased as punch :)
Peppypilotgirl, oh yeah, do that do that, and pics to accompany too please :)
Meredith, well, school hollidays for almost 3 weeks from this Friday, want them?? LOL
Stace, thanks for your kind words. Was it the Mangalore Airfield Show at Easter time by any chance?
Jay, they sure do mate, and we love to listen to them :)
Mustafa, thankyou very much, you are welcome any time.
QOD, come over for the next one in 2 years :)
Oops! Wrong link!
It's here.
Sorry about that!
Stuff like those videos makes me realize how boring my car is and how much I want to be a fighter pilot...
I used to take my kids to the airshow in Oxnard, California every year to see the Blue Angels. They are all grown and gone now but two of them still go and take their kids....yours will remember these trips I bet.
Im very well Caz tnxx!
Cazzi, I was scrolling through my comments and found yours on my MS post! Thank you for the cncouraging words :-) A read-a-thon is an excellent idea :-)
I'm bookmarking you and will return, Chrissy
Monkey, thanks for that, my little girls loved it!! Very informative, great shooting!!!
I am so glad Beck has his own blog, I will think about it and see if one of my 4 sproutlings might want to do one :)
Stormin Mormon, you could just add a flame thrower to the back of your car, flick the switch and you have your own F111 car, LOL. Be great in tricky traffic situations.
Bibi, thanks very much, yes we sure enjoyed it, we were sooo tired the next day.
Rosemary, that's great news, I hope I can tag along as the grandma when my kids take their kids :) We have the Roulette's here, I have seen the work of the Blue Angels, magnificent aren't they?
Keshi, gr8 news :)
Chrissy, no worries, I am glad you liked that idea. We all have fin reading and get sponsored and raise money for MS same time :)
Hi Cazzie!! Great pics, Lotsa fun, great family day, no accidents!
What a wonderful outing!!
Smokey Moulder?
Hi Cazzie!
Thanks for stopping by my blog. I really liked the F111 movie. Those were some cool pictures. I like your blog. I am almost 8 years old. My birthday is tomorrow.
I'm glad your girls liked my train movie. I'll be making some more with my mom soon. My birthday is at a train museum!
me love airshows!
G-man, certainly was a great day mate. Moulder from the X-Files...."Spooky Moulder". lol
Beck, wow, well, we love your train blog and we think your party will be great!!! Our Mia turned 4 on the 19th March, Tomas will be 10 on the 3rd April and then comes Nick 12th May and Sarah 21st June.
We will keep up with your entries to see how your party went.
Crabby come over for the next one in two years time, cool!
You and I have to sit down, so to speak, and trade stories sometime. I grew up between two RAF stations in Cornwall, near NAS Pensacola, NAS Norfolk and Langley AFB in my misspent youth, and worked in aviation physiology at Norfolk while in grad school.
Ah, to relive the days of Phantoms, Crusaders, Intruders, Skywarriors and Skyhawks, oh my.
Maybe I'll even tell you of the time I got to see a Vulcan slow-rolling at 500 ft under the guidance of a BAe test pilot in 1968 . . . .
FFE, Iam sure that would be some great converstaion :) While I was in cadets, I befriended many a RAAF brat and apprentice (whatever) in the RAAF. We had some fun times for sure.
man, THAT'S COOL! I have a photo somewhere my folks took of an F111 at an airshow ( must have been years ago ), where they lit the candle on the tarmac!! Can you imagine!!!!
Sounds like a lot of fun -- to bad the tanks couldn't be taken for a joy ride! I had a buddy who was a tank operator in the Marine Corps and he used to tell me they'd run five or six of them up I-95 for a few miles down in the Carolinas every now and then.
General Boy, I bet they scorched that tarmac, UNREAL!!!
Snay, welcome mate!! That would be a sight to behold, all them tanks rolling down the Freeway. I bet the talk back radio got jammed with calls those times too.
Wow, you have lots of comments. Did you see the unidentified flying object just before sunset? Maybe it was a Sundog, a meteorolgical phenomenon that sometimes appears before sunset or after the sunrise.
MJD, grrr, the link wouldn't work for me. Yes it was just prior to sunset indeed. I was cluthcing at all my old memories of my dad telling me things about astronomy as a kid and I couldn;t remember what this could be.
Yes, I am astounded at the comments here! I was going to post about History this morning but right now is when I am going to do that. It has been a busy week leading up to school holidays and Easter and 2 birthdays in the house.
Being an American, I didn't see my first B-52 until I was 13 or 14. I saw my first Vulcan and Victor back in the late 60's when I was 5. I saw the Kestrel 8 years before I saw my first Harrier. I saw plenty of Shackletons long before my first Neptune or Orion. Long before I saw my first U.S. carrier aircraft I'd seen Sea Vixens, Gannets and Bucaneers.
Long before the Red Arrows flew Hawks, I got to see them in Gnats
And long before I saw Phantoms, there was nothing more spectacular than seeing an E.E. Lightning in a full afternurner takeoff or a Hunter doing aerobatics, or watching a Wasp takeoff with that tea-cart landing gear. The RNAS helicopter instructors from a station just down the coast would also come up for airshows and do a helo 'square dance.'
Sorry for showing my age >B^D>
Great photos! I've never actually been to an airshow but I'd like to go. I just get a bit queezy that some of the planes are going to collide into each other. Ouch!
Maybe a Chemtrailo Cazzie...type in "Chemtrail" and see...we see them all the time...they are not contrails which are condensation at height...these are lower down....
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