
Sunday, May 22, 2011

So we got a goat for free. We will keep him at a friend's farm, he will marry a few girls and make babies. He got acquainted with Bondi pretty fast, he is very friendly. He was very smelly! Poor Billy the Goat! So Hubby washed him and he smells... better for now. He will go to the farm tomorrow. I think he is loving the remains of our veggie garden. Soon we will plant more seedlings.


  1. Cool. I want a goat.

  2. A goat? Wow. Your little dog seems to be welcoming him into the family.
    Watch him carefully ... they will literally eat ANYTHING.!

  3. Anonymous9:21 PM

    Bondi looks like he is ready to have a drink of goat milk.

  4. Hope this goat is not the sort that bails you up in the corner of the backyard (outdoors toilet) like some sheep we had - and a turkey which did the same
