I can officially suck face with a dummy! Joking! We use the valve mask and bag technique to resus the poor old dummy. We were also brushing up on the use of the defibrillator. Which is good, because some people did not know how to use it, and well, that is not a good thing. If you have the machine there you need to know how to use it and that is it.
We also brushed up on our No Lift techinnuques, keeping our backs and knees safe. Use of hoists and slide sheets too. I was the pretend patient, I laughed heaps!
haha Sounds like fun. Reminds me, I really need to do a first aid course at some point; I keep meaning to and have never gotten around to it.
Reminds me of when sis in law's mother got stuck in a hoist. Such drama. You must have looked funny.
It is good to know that you how to do this.
When I was a student nurse no one had heard of CPR. When patients died we just wished them well on their journey heavenward. It was several years later that i learned this marvelous new technique.
Poor old Resus Annie has never been the same since they amputated her lower bits :P
Let me guess - the old shoulder lift is still out-lawed for transferring up the bed?
Stace, it sure was fun! Yeah, first aid is invaluable when you have kiddies too :) Perhaps the first aid course could be run for your mother's group when your health nurse gets allyou first time mums with babies born around the same time?
Andrew, I have seen that! Stuck in the hoist, bloody things! There is a slow release button on them, but they always seem to cease up at most innapropriate times!!
Mom, yes, I remember my first day as a student, I was walking along speaking to a patient as he was going down to watch some tv in the day room and he just collapsed! I had to call the code and the nurse in charge was very quick to act. While they were doing all the right things I occupied the other patients.
It is always an energy rush when these emergencies occur, and it is only in the debriefing that you take stock of what you have actually done!
Haha Jayne, the lower bits were in a suit case :)
YEs the lift up the bed is outlawed, but we use slide sheets made of parachute material. Placed under the shoulder and the bottom...and we just slide the person up the bed with that, or to one side or the other fr pressure area care :)
Sounds like fun...but serious stuff as well. Is the dummy smiling or what?
So that means there is hop for me being resuscitated...being big dummy and all! :)
for all of my efforts over the decades of nursing and using good body mechanics, I have a bad back and right shoulder.
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