Sadly, I have to report that the lake area is so much lower than last I visited. There is green algae in the water and we had trouble seeing the eels that were sighted so easily last year by students of a younger year level. The swans came over and spied if we had food for them or not, it was the latter, as we are not encouraged to feed the bird life at all. We walked through the hot house, which was amazing! We got to see a Pineapple plant, Cocoa Plant, Pepper plant, a bug eating plant, and Coffee bean plant.
Step out of the hot house and donn our coats and hats again for the Winter day. We went on to the Ian Potter Foundation Children's Garden. We got to plant our own everlasting daisy, which was a great activity for the kids. Touched a cork tree (wine corks!), walked along from the South East coast of Australia to the most Northern point of Australia in 5 minutes flat...looking at all the native trees (Indigenous).
Sat in rest houses, all three of them, which date back to 130 years ago...the oldest one named "William Tell"...the kids re-named it "The Harry Potter House". The nicest thing our tour guide said to the kids at the end of the tour was that it is Our garden, all of us, owned by the public and we encourage you all to visit time and time again to learn about our lovely indigenous plants".
A few children fell asleep when we journeyed home on the bus. Another wonderful trip with an exceptional group of kids :)
I've been there Caz! :) AWESOME.
btw I just posted a tribute to a very special man...plz check when u hv time.
Great photo Cazzie. Big though. While on our doorstep, we so rarely visit. Must make up for that. Good work you did today.
Gee, you were brave getting out in today's horrid weather!
Sounds like a lovely time all the same :)
I can't wait to go to that place. What great things they have there for kids (and their parents and carers) to see, and do.
Next time we come to Melbourne, I hope we can catch up, and maybe you can to the Zoo with us as well.
Cool! I must admit thats one of the things I do miss about school, the excursions. I used to love going along and sharing the joy with kids who may have never otherwise been given the chance to get out! You are a great mum Caz, you manage to work and do all this stuff too! Fantastic!
Can't wait to meet you in person one day! Oh and I have not forgotten the pressies for your little princess, I truly am shocking when it comes to sending out my parcels but they are still there! Truly I get to the post office like once every three months then they kind of hate to see me coming! LOL!
I feel like I was tagging along on your day at gardens. Thanks for the tour.
Keshi, it sure is awesome, and yes, the tribute is wonderful to a brilliant man Keshi :)
Andrew, yeah, I was lazy, yet I have now corrected the large pic :)
Jayne, we sure were brave, yet the Sun was quite warm when we sat to eat lunch, we wre fortunate :)
Foxy, it is a date! We are much closer to the Open Range Zoo, which is also awesome :)
Karisma, I sure am tired after all of the outings, one more to go next week, I am going to The Victoria Market next week with Sarah's class. :) A parcel you say..cool, I am excited :)
Mom, I am pleased to see that :)
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