Melbourne Cup Day is fixed for the first Tuesday in November . The race is recognized as one of the World 's greatest handicap races. It is held at Flemington , a Melbourne suburb which is called after a butcher who once lived there.
The first Cup was run in 1861 . There were 17 starters and , paradoxically , the prize - apart from the money (170 pounds ) - was not a cup at all , but a hand - beaten gold watch . Archer, the Winning horse , had walked to Melbourne from its stable in Nowra ,New South Wales , a distance of 500 miles (800km)

Flemington race track, home of Australia's famous Melbourne Cup and belongs tothe Victoria Racing Club, Melbourne Victoria. The course has a circumference of2,312 metres and a home straight of 450 metres.

Apart from the race itself bringing in the crowds of people, the Fashions on the Field Contest every year also are a sure winner. Top models and every day people present themselves to show off their wears and of course, their fascinators. It makes the crowd certainly stand out..even if they are sometimes half tanked from all the champagne after the big day!!
This year the Equine Influenza has been a massive worry for everyone in the know of racing. Making history itself, we even had the pre Cup Day Parade with the jockeys but no horses! First time ever! Yet, the day is going ahead, much to the relief of many people, and for that, I am sure it will be a wonderful day!
It almost sounds like opening day for the horse races here at Del Mar. Definitely a place to see AND be seen.
Holy Lord... Megan Gale and I could totally hang out.
I was thinking Del Mar too! And making the horn blowing noises too. I wonder if that is the same at all tracks.
Off to the races, girl!
At the Kentucky Derby, they drink Mint Juleps, which is bourbon whiskey and mint, traditionally, but some people make it with gin and mint. Either way, they are nasty! I'm sorry to anyone who likes them, but they are terrible.
Champagne sounds a whole lot better.
Have fun and see you around, Cazzie!!!
Sounds like fun!
I love Ascot and only drink champagne whilst I'm there (got to live sometime), I've even won a couple of races (betting not running). Isn't it fun???
I admire Megan Gale...she's HOT!
I've been to the races down in Hot Springs a few times. I know nothing about horse racing, but it is fun to go to the races.
I think I must be the only person in the country who doesn't like Melbourne Cup Day. It's not that I don't like horse-racing, I think the problem is that I DO like horse-racing. But Cup Day isn't about the race anymore, it's about fashion and dressing up and making a tit out of yourself in front of the nation. I guess I just don't see the point. Oh well. Aidan picked the winner, but he didn't have any money on.
I hate the bloody cup. I lose my money every freakin year!
NICE POST :)!!!!!! I am into gambling on the dogs :)
I'm just about over EI, but I'm not about to go into exactly why that is!! ;)
I spent Tuedsay chained to the phone and caught in the middle of a server migration that came horribly unstuck. I didn't even get a bet on, let alone see the race. :(
Hope you had a good day Cazzie... sure beats workin'!!!
I do know the Aussies love their sports. The first night we got into Perth was when the Melbourne Cup was going on and everyone was losing their minds. I was trying to remember what event was going on and couldn't remember for the life of me.
Wasn't it just a fantastic race?
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