Second day we went to another pharmacy and I said I wouldn't get it done unless two people and two guns were involved, BINGO, they had it all there. So, it went very well, Sarah got to hold onto cute bear that had its ears pierced (Bet that didn't hurt the bear either eh?). 1,2,3 it was done. Outside the pharmacy there was free craft making stall for kids, school holiday time and all that..and so, Sarah forgot the pain and the heat in her ears. She was kicking goals after that!
We had to dab the area with the alcohol and turn the earrings about a few times a day. Classic line from Sarah was, "Mu-uum, we need to dab my ears with that stinky stuff again, less I get a INFATUATION". LOL, "That'd be an infection Sarah". So nurse in training :)
Last night I had some weird dreams, especially after I woke to find Mia in the loungeroom at 2am. She thought the sun was up, but it was just the neighbours new fleuro light in their laundry that they keep on all night for their kids as a nightlight and it shins all the way through to our living area and kitchen area. I had someone reading my cards in my dream and the lady said, "Trust those who say it with their eyes, not what they say with their bodies". What??? Not sure what that meant..but it was a pleasant dream anyhow....
Awww, how cute! I remember getting my ears pierced. The anticipation of the pain is sooo much greater than the actual stab of it.
Yeah ... Don't let them get infatuated!! LOL ;-)
How about those who say it with their eyes AND their bodies?? LOL
Ahhh, I remember when I got my ear pierced. Mum and dad were overseas, and I found the biggest safety pin I could lay my hands on.
I still remember the "pop" it made as it went through the cartilidge, and my little sister nearly throwing up at the blood all over the bathroom floor!!!
When I was a teen we pierced each other's ears with a needle and an ice cube to numb it. Its much easier nowadays. And quicker, too.
That was some dream. Now you will be looking deeply into everyone's eyes when they talk to you!
When our youngest had hers done one at a time she took off out of the shop in between...but she wanted it done so she returned... funny memory.
My mom had mine done when i was a baby so i don't remember any pain. :D
I get weird dreams too but most of it I don't remember. :D
I used to wear an ear stud. Our corporate customers look at me strangely when I wear it so I don't.
I wasn't allowed to get my ears pierced until I was 15 but for some reason Dad relinquished and I was allowed them done at 14. Blair on the other hand, had his ear pierced at 7 with an uncle. Peta, coming up 9, wants hers pierced but I think she should wait but Blair thinks she should get them. I just need to let him win some of the battles huh??
As for the dream, I've been having a few wierd ones lately!!
I wouldn't mind a bit of a dream book, or maybe it's time for me to go see a tarot reader or a phsychic.
"Trust in me," look into my eyes, look into my eyes, Cazzie you're not looking. My bank account is still empty.
I had a friend pierce my ear, she was a nurse, - believe it or not-
she used a needle - me and needles - and please don't tell .... I passed out. A felt like a big dope.
Y;-) Paddy
How cute! I remember how much it after and the damn things kept getting 'infatuated' that I gave up on wearing earrings!
I've had my ears done - two holes in each ear, one up the top of my right ear - also my nose and navel... all gone now except one in each earlobe. If she wants her navel done, tell her it DOES hurt. That didn't stop me having it done twice though.
I was watching Hook the other night and Dustin Hoffman (as Hook) said that it was a very important day when a pirate got his first earring.
I guess its the smae for girls.
I hate needles and anything sharp...:( yeah, me a big fat baby!
Next comes tattoos but hopefully not for a couple of years. ;)
wait until she discovers all the beautiful earrings out there. Then she'll be absolutely right with the infatuation bit. lol.
Infatuated--what a cute one!!! I am 29 (almost) and still don't have my ears pierced. I just can't stand the thought of needles in my ears.
My ex always told me he'd get me diamond earrings if I'd have my ears pierced. We had been divorced for a while when I went to his office and showed off my pierced ears and said, "I'm ready for my diamond earrings, now." Guess what he said..
Eyes are the window to the soul. I've never trusted someone who's eyes I can't look into.
As for the ear piercing story...I so hear you no the two gun, two people policy. I had my done back when they still used wig pins and a potato behind the ear. AFTER your lobe was frozen by the ice cube. That hurt more than anything else. I am so happy I don't have to go through that again.
congrats!! I used to do my ears myself, it hurts like a bitch for a bit, then it gets better.
i guess that's not really an option :D
Kids do say some of the cutest things!
I had my ears pierced on my 50th birthday - my midlife crisis. Now I love being able to wear earrings.
I was a mother when I got my ears pierced and it was done by a doctor. Eventually I had them pierced 8 times. Your girl is brave.
The first time I got my ears done were with something called self-pierces. Basically round needles that you had to work through your about drawing out the pain!
So has Sarah started her earring collection for when she can change them yet?
One day, you'll wish there was some stinky stuff to help her over 'infatuations'. Especially the sad ones that don't work out like we hope.
I had a peirced ear once. It got infeected and I never went for it again. Let other guys pierce their ears, I'll be fine with the lump of scar tissue in my earlobe as a reminder of my wild youth.
Sorry to not get by sooner, this was a darling post, Cazzie!!!
Wow--I need to proof read a little better! Sorry!
It is Fryday, 2MORROW. A week goes by soon again.
I miss u missy!
Being a guy who shoots competitively (come to think of it, I do everything competitively, but that is one in which I'm actually certified), the thought of an ear ring gun "misfiring" is hilarious.
Painful, but as the saying goes; "it's fun to watch friends get hurt."
Hi everyone, I will catch up on comments when I get home from vacation.
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