Image of school grounds where festival was held. Wattle tree in yellow blaze to the right of image.
Sarah was about to leave the Baby Animal Nursery and she still had some feed left for the animals in a small cup. We sugested she give the feed to the little cherub in the red top. Wishing I had the camera at the ready for the gorgeous look the little girl gave Sarah when she handed the cup over and motioned for the cherub to feed the kid there. Her eyes were incredulous at the feeding of the baby goat from said cup. Her Dad was so pleased...he snapped alot of photos of it :)
The Hurstbridge Wattle festival is a significant cultural event for Melbournians that has its roots firmly planted in our early rail history. It’s a joyous celebration of our heritage, environment and community.
This festival has been going on for three years now. Festival goers got to view the wattles in a blaze of glory along the Diamond Creek as they approached the township of Hurstbridge. We were greeted by a choir and a fabulous and extensive array of activities, food and entertainment. The list included: vintage cars and motorcycles, vintage fire truck, Cobb & Co coach rides, heritage displays and sites,roving entertainment, live stages.

The very confident man with bare feet and handling a Coastal Taipan. It had just lost its skin the day before so the colors of its scales shon through in the nice sunlight. Yes, it was very very venemous!!

Miaand Sarah with a Python.

Steamrail Victoria were appointed to supply the K class steam locomotive and carriages to make the historic journey from Flinders Street to Hurstbridge laden with eager festival goers.
The train commenced its journey from Flinders Street at 9.00am and arrived at the historic Hurstbridge Township at 10.24am. Where we alighted and found all sorts of wonderful things going on. People in costume of days gone by, riding old bicycles and handing out brochures of the map of events for the day. As lined out above, the list of activities was large, and our senses were in hyper mode all day....although, it was also relaxing at the same time. Just lovely. :)

Where's the snow????
Looks like a lot of fun. We went to Watermelon Fest yesterday... and I forgot my camera... sigh...
this sounds like a hell of a lot of fun! You're always doing interesting things cazzie! Where do you hear about them all?
We had the nicest trip to Hurstbridge on the train. It must be Melbourne's best train route. I would have loved to have done it on a steam train. Hurstbridge Wattle Festival publicity machine needs a gee up, as I had not heard about it. Sounds like you had a fabulous day.
Your kids are having the best childhood possible... and as "M" says "you are always doing interesting things" a pleasure to read about.
FW2, lol, it was a lovely 23degree celcius day!
M, love it..hubby works in the train industry..
Andrew....check yor emails...grrrrr (lol) I emailed you matey.
QOD it was gr8 and the kids so loved the , I loved the woooo hoooo..trains!
MC, I am so glad you say this, because we enjoy doing all these things..making memories :)
looks like fun....
Wattle being the national flower:)
Plays havoc with alot of hay fever sufferers...
There is something about steam trains, so warm and inviting... COnnex carriages just down have the same feel....
Caz ur kids r very fortunate...cos they've got a superb, fun-loving, adventurous, smart n loving MUM!
Beauuutiful pics of the lil ones!
Oh man do I hate snakes. Your kids are much braver than me. I wouldn't be holding those things at all!
I think I'd have skipped the snakes. (shiver). But, it sounds like fun, otherwise.
Cazzie: in answer to your question i wasnt brought up in melbourne. The only science club i know of is Double Helix
Try Science works in SPottswood. THey might have a kids program:)
Awwwww nice Python! They are soooo cool. No seriously... nice and cool. But the Taipan? Uhhhh... you keep him... ;)
Looks like another wonderful day for your family! I guess I didn't realize, until reading your blog, that the rail system was such a large part of your history.
Ah yes, The Good Old days. Wonderful trip Cazzie!!Ya know your avatar pic disappeared?
Whoops. Good Melbournian I am. I didn't even know that this was on.
The K class would have looked right in place between Greensborough and Hurstbridge. The bush there almost looks untouched (except for the Golden Arches approaching Diamond Creek hehe).
What a lot of fun....yikes snakes. I can barely stand to look at them. You are such a good mommy.
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