With school back in, Term 3 here in Victoria, I will be able to catch up on some posts again. I worked four days, split in half by the Bendigo trip last Friday. The kids enjoyed their first day back at school. We all walked home from school together. It was like a mini walking school bus with the six of us walking hand in hand. On the way home, we found a butterfly cocoon stuck to a fence post...signs of Spring to come? Yayyy. It is good that we don't have hills to walk up and down to get home, like in the image above...but doesn't that scene look lovely?
I imagine it's still a bit cold over there. I'm jealous you can just walk your kids to school -- wish i could do that.
thats such an awesome pic Caz!
I bet you're dying for winter to end! Congratulations on the first signs of spring :) Looking forward to reading more of your posts...
When I was a kid I had to ride the bus THEN walk. The bus dropped us off at the bottom of a long steep hill that we had to walk up. OK it wasn't THAT bad. LOL
We couldn't walk home from school cause it was too far and there are no sidewalks in our town.
That's right, I forgot your seasons are on the opposite end of the spectrum.
It was fun when I was a child walking through the woods to see what I would find on my way home. I even found a dog! But he didn't stay with us long...off to his next journey.
Shush.... not spring yet or we'll be into fall.. it's barely summer...
My goal, as soon as I can retire, is to be able to walk my kids to school and then walk them home, rain, shine, cold - I don't care. Maybe a part time job while they're in school. That day can't come soon enough.
I miss school holidays, especially summer holidays, spending the days on the beach, or adventures in the paddocks that used to be around my old home.
SPring is approaching, yes its cold and dreary, but i am not begrudging the state it's rain
Yeah for spring!!!
Walking hand in hand, six abreast sounds WONDERFUL! Those are some good memories you are making there, Cazzie.
'signs of Spring', yep you definitely wrote that down on Monday not Tuesday.
Menchie, it sure is cold.... snowing in fact Menchie :)
Keshi, huggs to you.
Princess Banter, I am really wanting a nice 25 degree celcius day right now.
Jay, yeah, me too, well, not the hill walk bit, but we walked all kinds of weather, I remember wading waist height in muddy water with tad poles swimming in it just to get through the end of our road to get home. Know what...we never did complain, it is just how things were.
Jillie, you sound like me, love to take in stray animals, yep, that is what I did as a kid. Even two sheep once, and they went on up to my nan and pop's bush block.
Farmwife, LOL...ok, I am shusshing here :)
Snot Dog, that will be awesome for you...and the kids too, they love being with their parents on the journey to and from school. They get to tell us all the things they learned in the day.
Aidan, me too, I do not begrudge us the rain...rain on...rain in the right places..
QOD, ansewered in the current post :)
Gawilli, we even picked up a few other students on the way..they dropped off before we got to our street though :)
Jahteh, right you are there!
When I was a kid on the farm, we had to walk nine miles up hill, both ways to get to and from school. Later on, we did get bus rides. The walks were more fun.
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